Some required configuration steps (of course, just appropriate in my situation):
1) Sharing folders between Windows XP (host) and Ubuntu Linux (guest) installed using VMware
on Linux
- create arbitrary folder to be shared
- install samba, can be automatically installed using wizards by right clicking the shared folder and choosing tab "Share". The Linux OS will ask for this installing progress. Then, just follow it :D.
- use the command # ifconfig | grep "inet addr:" to see your IP address of Ubuntu Linux (guest).
on Windows
- open "My Computer", use the tab "Tools\Map Network Drive", see the following figure:
+ choose the drive on Windows which will be mapped to the one on Ubuntu Linux
+ choose the address by clicking "button Browser" and then selecting the appropriate drive address on Ubuntu Linux
. That's it!2) update root password- sudo passwd root3) update vim editor with full version- sudo apt-get install vim-full4) auto remove and update with apt-get- sudo apt-get update- sudo apt-get autoremove5) install java JDK- sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin6) install netbeans- sudo apt-get install netbeans- setup javadocs for netbeans::
+ download JDK javadocs from sun website (of course choose appropriate versions with current JDK)
+ in netbeans IDE, choose menu Tools\Netbeans Platforms\javadoc and then locate the downloaded javadoc file
size of hard drives
- use the command # df -h
8) install
eclipse- sudo apt-get install eclipse
9) gnome
commander - looks like Total Commander on Windows or sudo apt-get install gnome-commander
10) correct CGI/Perl
bad interpreter - very useful tip
Link- use the command #
perl -i.bak -pe 'tr/\r//d' script_file (e.g. *.pl, *.sh)11) install JDK/JRE on Ubuntu Linux and related configuration