Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Bootstrapping for Named Entity Extraction & Recognition

This post aims to collect papers related to bootstrapping methods for Named Entity Entraction & Recognition.



(to be updated)

Hierarchical Statistical Machine Translation Toolkits

1) Joshua

2) Jane

3) Moses (also include Hierarchical SMT part)

(to be updated)

Error Analysis for Machine Translation Output

This post is to collect some papers in the literature referring to error analysis of (Statistical) Machine Translation Output. I aim to apply for English-Vietnamese translation outputs.

1) BLAST: http://www.ida.liu.se/~sarst/blast/

(Demo paper at ACL'2011: http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P/P11/P11-4010.pdf)


Maja Popovic et al. Towards Automatic Error Analysis of Machine Translation Output. (Computational Linguistics 2011)


Mireia F. et al. Overcoming statistical machine translation limitations: error analysis and proposed solutions for the Catalan–Spanish language pair. LREC 2011.


S. Condon. Machine Translation Errors: English and Iraqi Arabic. TALIP 2011.


Maja Popović, Adrià de Gispert, Deepa Gupta, Patrik Lambert, Hermann Ney, José B. Mariño and Rafael Banchs. Morpho-syntactic Information for Automatic Error Analysis of Statistical Machine Translation Output. HLT/NAACL Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, pages 1-6, New York, NY, June 2006.

Maja Popović and Hermann Ney. Error Analysis of Verb Inflections in Spanish Translation Output. TC-Star Workshop on Speech-to-Speech Translation, pages 99-103, Barcelona, Spain, June 2006.

David Vilar et al. Error Analysis of Statistical Machine Translation Output. LREC 2006.

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Interested Articles in Computational Linguistics Journal (Vol 35 issue 1)

Towards Automatic Error Analysis of Machine Translation Output
Maja Popović, Hermann Ney
Computational Linguistics Accepted for publication: 1–50.
Posted online on 14 Jul 2011.
Abstract | PDF (366 KB) | PDF Plus (367 KB)

Information Status Distinctions and Referring Expressions: An Empirical Study of References to People in News Summaries
Advaith Siddharthan, Ani Nenkova, Kathleen McKeown
Computational Linguistics Accepted for publication: 1–54.
Posted online on 14 Jul 2011.
Abstract | PDF (296 KB) | PDF Plus (297 KB)

Half-context language models
Hinrich Schütze, Michael Walsh
Computational Linguistics Accepted for publication: 1–40.
Posted online on 14 Jul 2011.
Abstract | PDF (280 KB) | PDF Plus (281 KB)